Meet Our Team

Rob Blythe
Co-CEO and Co-Founder
Joe Molloy
Talent Acquisition Partner
Shandon Raath
Talent Delivery Specialist
Jacqueline Duarte
Talent Acquisition Manager
Shane Tanner
Talent Acquisition Manager
Tom Jewell
Client Services Director
I love working at instant impact because everyone has leadership responsibility, and feedback is given in every direction.
Tom Jewell
Client Services Director
Preston Peters
Talent Delivery Specialist
Ian Buckland
Learning & Development Manager
Egle Barkauskaite
Talent Acquisition Partner
Company culture is something that really sets us apart from the rest. As a neurodivergent individual, it’s refreshing to be in a workplace full of people who accept and celebrate you the way you are and genuinely care for your well-being.
Egle Barkauskaite
Talent Acquisition Partner
Rachael Leinster
Talent Acquisition Manager
I love that the opportunities for career development and growth are not only endless, but hugely encouraged across the business, it's a real breath of fresh air.
Rachael Leinster
Talent Acquisition Manager
Jessica Morgan
Operations Director
Jaime Manos
Talent Acquisition Lead
Lauren Wilson-Harry
Marketing Executive
Will Underwood
Talent Acquisition Lead
Harry Palmer
Talent Acquisition Manager
The BEST working environment I have been a part of! Fantastic support, fun and friendly team. Great opportunity to develop and grow with the company too.
Harry Palmer
Talent Acquisition Manager
Sam Appleyard
Talent Acquisition Lead
Cameron Skinner
Head of Internal Talent
I joined Instant Impact because they promised me a collaborative work environment, a supportive leadership team and a clear progression structure. It is amazing working for a company that puts employee welling as a top priority.
Cameron Skinner
Head of Internal Talent
Corinne Meehan
Talent Acquisition Manager
Joshua Evans
Talent Acquisition Partner
Ben Donovan-Aitken
Chief Delivery Officer
Aasimah Razaque
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Pete Blythe
Finance Director
Lauren Bass
Client Services Director
We have amazing people running an amazing business. Real people with families and real lives. I had the opportunity to join a business as a Director without having to sacrifice my family time, hobbies, marriage, and life! I don't have to be anyone but me.
Lauren Bass
Client Services Director
Jamie Adam
Talent Delivery Specialist
Celia Matkins
Talent Acquisition Manager
Roxy Flack
Talent Acquisition Lead
Frankie Youell
Senior Marketing Executive
I have been given so many amazing opportunities to learn and develop during my 3+ years at Instant Impact – here’s to many more!
Frankie Youell
Senior Marketing Executive
Robin Maitland
Client Services Director
Felix Mitchell
Co-CEO and Co-Founder
Ashleigh Norton
Talent Acquisition Partner
From the flexibility to the amazing team & support, II offer fantastic opportunities to all of their employees and clients. I am so pleased that I joined the business a year ago and am excited for my future here.
Ashleigh Norton
Talent Acquisition Partner
Daisy Woolnough
Talent Coordination Specialist
Mickayla Bailey
Talent Acquisition Partner
Holly Hold
Talent Coordination Specialist
Liz Burton
Talent Acquisition Manager
Bex Killoran
Talent Delivery Specialist
Instant Impact do so much to support everyone’s own personal career path and individual goals, which has built a progressive, positive, and ambitious culture everyone can thrive in!
Bex Killoran
Talent Delivery Specialist
Gemma Hart
Talent Acquisition Partner
Louise Fraser
People & Culture Director
Dan Gray
Talent Acquisition Lead
Ben Thomas
Client Services Director
Joining Instant Impact in 2018 was one of the best decisions I've made. Being able to work with amazing people and being able to contribute to a growing and evolving business, I've been able to significantly develop my career.
Ben Thomas
Client Services Director
Tariq Saeed
Talent Acquisition Manager
Valentine Salas
Talent Acquisition Partner
Minnie Gumede
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Franco Matteo
Client Services Director
David Kirkham
Talent Acquisition Manager
Sophie Thompson
Talent Marketing Executive
Ling Taylor
Client Services Director
Ellie Dinter-Nethercott
Sourcing Manager
Elliot Kirby
Talent Acquisition Manager
Lee Welsh
Data Analytics Manager
Jaime Manos-Fielder
Talent Partner
Chloe Wood
Talent Acquisition Manager
Dale Evans
Talent Acquisition Partner