Elevating Candidate Experience to Fuel Global Expansion
274 hires
in 2.5 years
Hiring Manager
sentiment score
Candidate NPS
10% saved
on cost per hire
We are a year into our partnership with Instant Impact and what a success it has been. Our embedded team of Talent Partners are first class and have not only been able to consistently fulfil our hiring needs that are at an all time high, but they have led the charge on a number of internal improvement projects that have really moved the dial.
Delivery against agreed SLAs and other areas of focus has exceeded expectations and I would not hesitate to recommend Instant Impact as true in-house recruitment experts.

The Instant Group is a private equity-backed workplace innovation company that provides bespoke workspace solutions to enhance agility, reduce costs, and drive performance. Following their merger with IWG’s key digital assets, they serve over 250,000 businesses in 175 countries and employ more than 430 people across the UK, EMEA, North and South America, and APAC.
The Instant Group faced several challenges that prompted their partnership with us. Despite ambitious growth plans, their inflexible RPO relationship failed to meet evolving needs, leading to high recruitment agency costs and difficulties attracting top talent due to a limited employer brand. Additionally, inconsistent hiring processes created conflicting experiences for hiring managers and candidates, hampering efficiency and negatively impacting the overall candidate experience.
We started by embedding two Talent Partners, quickly expanding to five to enhance hiring efforts. Our approach focused on redefining and centralising the global recruitment process and agency use. We introduced role briefing and interview guides to ensure consistency and improve experiences for hiring managers and candidates.
Additionally, we revamped The Instant Group's careers page, integrating it with the ATS, and launched new starter and employee celebratory posts on LinkedIn to boost engagement.
Our partnership with The Instant Group has delivered impressive results:
- 274 hires made over 2.5 years with an average time-to-hire of just 35 days.
- Direct hire rate increased to 86%, significantly reducing reliance on recruitment agencies and costs.
- Candidate experience improvements led to a Glassdoor rating rise from 3.37/5 in July 2021 to 4.5/5 in July 2022.
- Enhanced employer branding increased the rate of direct applications for open vacancies.
These improvements addressed The Instant Group's immediate hiring needs and positioned them for sustainable growth. By centralising and optimising their recruitment processes, we transformed their talent acquisition strategy, enabling them to attract and retain top talent in a competitive global marketplace.