
10 core components of Recruitment Marketing & Tech

Marketing & Tech is one of the key features of a high performing Internal Recruitment Function. Find out our top 10 recommendations


Marketing & Tech is one of the key features of a high performing Internal Recruitment Function. This blog outlines the ten core components of both marketing and tech which are both essential to consider if you are looking to improve your internal talent team.

The 10 core components of Recruitment Marketing & Tech


High quality recruitment marketing changes depending on your industry and who you’re looking to hire. There are some key elements that are consistent though:

  1. Media Buying:

Selecting the right places to advertise and getting the most from your budget is key for attracting the best ‘active’ candidates on the market. LinkedIn is a great place to start but there are so many other great options both on- and offline from social media to going on campus.

  1. Employer Brand:

Just as you want to be the go-to brand for prospective clients in your market, you want to be the employer of choice. You need to build your on- and offline profile with your target candidates.

  1. Referrals & recommendations:

Your employees are most likely your most important asset and that may well be the case for your recruitment as well! Tap into their networks for referrals and recommendations – incentives and consistent communication go a long way here, increasing quality of hire and saving time and spend.

  1. Candidate Reach Out:

Some of the best candidates are those that aren’t looking for new roles - you need to be reaching out to top talent to start conversations. That’s where high quality recruiters come in and this is one of the key activities that will help you reduce your recruitment spend.

  1. Get Creative:

As with all marketing, get creative and think outside the box for exceptional results!

Tech Stack

  1. Applicant Tracking System (ATS):

The backbone of recruitment technology is the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). It’s the driver of your whole recruitment process and its importance cannot be underestimated. The core functionality that you’re looking for is:

  • Intuitive & customisable workflow
  • Automation of manual parts of the process e.g. scheduling
  • Range of integrations (ideally with your other tech).
  • Easy for hiring managers to provide feedback and interview consistently
  • Career portal creation
  • High quality reporting

If you would like more advice on the best Applicant Tracking Systems on the market, don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) software:

Combining Candidate Relationship Management software with a high quality ATS will give you a Ferrari to play with instead of a Volvo. You may not need it or be ready to handle it but if you are, it will give you powerful candidate nurturing, talent pooling and automated marketing capability to keep candidates warm even when you don’t have a live vacancy for them. Much like a Ferrari, it comes at a cost but if you would like to find out more about the CRM piece of the ATS puzzle, click here.

  1. LinkedIn Recruiter Professional Services (RPS) licenses:

A key part of most internal recruitment functions’ tech stack. Used correctly with a high quality recruitment team, this will put all of the talent on LinkedIn at your fingertips. Create projects and InMail candidates for your hard to fill roles.

  1. Online Testing:

Tests are a great part of the assessment process – giving you valuable data points that you can’t get from interviews alone. With options ranging from traditional numerical and verbal reasoning to psychometric and gamified testing the right solution really depends on the skills you’re looking to assess. Get in touch – we’d be happy to help!

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS):

If, like us, you’re passionate about the experience of your candidates, you need to make sure that you’re getting quick feedback about your recruitment process. NPS software will do just that and, if correctly integrated with your NPS, be surveying every candidate that gets to interview in no time!

If you found this useful, we have a library of resources with advice on a range of topics including how to implement a diversity strategy.

Written by Rob Blythe, Founding DirectorÂ